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Minecraft Maps and Other Stuff

Various help things for Minecraft Resource Pack creation.

JimStoneCraft Presentation Map

This is my presentation map for Minecraft, I originally made this to help me with the new textures but it expanded to a whole new world.

I used this world to test all the new features, this lays out virtually all the blocks and items in the game and makes it much easier to see if things are working ok, it's also the world where I do some build testing.

Please note that these Minecraft maps are not backwards compatible, please do not open these maps in an older releases of the game as items and blocks will disappear, it should be fine in later releases.

Minecraft 1.21.4 - The Garden Awakens

JimStoneCraft Presentation JimStoneCraft Presentation v1.21.4

4th December 2024 - Minecraft 1.21.4 - 177MB - Changelog - Checksum

Older Releases (no longer updated)

Minecraft 1.20.1 - The Trails & Tales Update

JimStoneCraft Presentation JimStoneCraft Presentation v1.20.1

9th July 2023 - Minecraft 1.20.1 - 177MB - Changelog - Checksum

Minecraft 1.19.4 - The Wild Update

JimStoneCraft Presentation JimStoneCraft Presentation v1.19.4

9th July 2023 - Minecraft 1.19.4 - 175MB - Changelog - Checksum

Minecraft 1.18.2 - Caves & Cliffs Update Part II

JimStoneCraft Presentation JimStoneCraft Presentation v1.18.1

3rd January 2022 - Minecraft 1.18.1 - 168MB - Changelog - Checksum


The JimStoneCraft Presentation map was inspired by copperdomebodha from the Minecraft Forums.

JimStoneCraft Armour Trims Map

This is my Armour Trims map for Minecraft, this was made to help me with the new armour trim textures.

Please note that these Minecraft maps are not backwards compatible, so please don't open this map in older releases of the game or things will break or disappear.

JimStoneCraft Armour Trims 01 JimStoneCraft Armour Trims 02

Minecraft 1.21.4 - rc3

JimStoneCraft Armour Trims JimStoneCraft Armour Trims v1.21.4

1st December 2024 - Minecraft 1.21.4 - 1.2MB - Changelog - Checksum

Older Releases (no longer updated)

Minecraft 1.21.0 - 23w43a

JimStoneCraft Armour Trims JimStoneCraft Armour Trims v1.21.0

27th October 2023 - Minecraft 1.21.0 - 1.1MB - Changelog - Checksum

Font Command Block

While working on my resource pack (John Smith Legacy), texturing font can take a long time to get displaying correctly so I've made two command block scripts to help with displaying all the new Unicode character font they added in 1.14.

These scripts have been quite helpful getting all the Unicodes characters into a book in Minecraft and I thought I would make them available to help the community.

These scripts will only work in a command block due to there character length.

JimStoneCraft Text Formatting Command Block 1.21.2 - 1.21.1 Changed the formatting

Older Release

JimStoneCraft Text Formatting Command Block

JimStoneCraft Unicode Font List Command Block 1.13.2-1.14.0-1.14.1

JimStoneCraft Unicode Font List Command Block 1.14.4 - 1.14.3 pre1 adjusted one single accented character, 1.14.4 pre1 more new characters.

JimStoneCraft Unicode Font List Command Block 1.16.0 - changed the font textures quite a lot like moving accented characters from the ascii file.

JimStoneCraft Unicode Font List Command Block 1.16.2 - changed the font texture sizes again.

JimStoneCraft Unicode Font List Command Block 1.17.1 pre1 - file is still compatible with 1.19.4 and 1.20.1 as fonts have not changed.

Screen Shots

John Smith Legacy JimStoneCraft Edition

John Smith Legacy - JimStoneCraft Edition

Minecraft 1.14.0 - Village and Pillage

John Smith Legacy JimStoneCraft Edition Resource Pack 00

John Smith Legacy JimStoneCraft Edition Resource Pack 01 John Smith Legacy JimStoneCraft Edition Resource Pack 02 John Smith Legacy JimStoneCraft Edition Resource Pack 03

John Smith Legacy JimStoneCraft Edition Resource Pack 04 John Smith Legacy JimStoneCraft Edition Resource Pack 05 John Smith Legacy JimStoneCraft Edition Resource Pack 06

John Smith Legacy JimStoneCraft Edition Resource Pack 07 John Smith Legacy JimStoneCraft Edition Resource Pack 08 John Smith Legacy JimStoneCraft Edition Resource Pack 09

John Smith Legacy JimStoneCraft Edition Resource Pack 10 John Smith Legacy JimStoneCraft Edition Resource Pack 11 John Smith Legacy JimStoneCraft Edition Resource Pack 12

John Smith Legacy JimStoneCraft Edition Resource Pack 13 John Smith Legacy JimStoneCraft Edition Resource Pack 14 John Smith Legacy JimStoneCraft Edition Resource Pack 15

John Smith Legacy JimStoneCraft Edition Resource Pack 16 John Smith Legacy JimStoneCraft Edition Resource Pack 17 John Smith Legacy JimStoneCraft Edition Resource Pack 18

1.12.0 World of Color Update

John Smith Legacy JimStoneCraft Edition Resource Pack John Smith Legacy JimStoneCraft Edition Resource Pack

John Smith Legacy 1.12.0 v2, now with VoxelMap 1.12 support

1.10.2 Frostburn Update

John Smith Legacy JimStoneCraft Edition Resource Pack

Here are some great shots using Sildurs Vibrant Shaders -

John Smith Legacy Resource Pack John Smith Legacy Resource Pack John Smith Legacy Resource Pack John Smith Legacy Resource Pack John Smith Legacy Resource Pack John Smith Legacy Resource Pack John Smith Legacy Resource Pack John Smith Legacy Resource Pack John Smith Legacy Resource Pack

1.8.1 - The Bountiful Update

John Smith Legacy JimStoneCraft Edtion Minecraft 1.8.1

1.8 - The Bountiful Update

John Smith Legacy JimStoneCraft Edtion Minecraft 1.8.1

Snapshot 14w25b - 20th June 2014 - 1.8 - Underwater Temples

JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 1.8 - 14w25b JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 1.8 - 14w25b JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 1.8 - 14w25b

Snapshot 14w11b - 13th March 2014 - 1.8

Mmmm Endermite.

John Smith Legacy - JimStoneCraft Edition - Minecraft 1.8 - 14w08a

v1.0.18 - 28th February 2014 - 1.8 - 14w08a

Redone the Skeleton and Wither Skeleton textures to add some more more variety.

John Smith Legacy - JimStoneCraft Edition - Minecraft 1.8 - 14w08a John Smith Legacy - JimStoneCraft Edition - Minecraft - 1.8 - 14w08a

John Smith Legacy - JimStoneCraft Edition - Minecraft 1.8 - 14w08a John Smith Legacy - JimStoneCraft Edition - Minecraft - 1.8 - 14w08a

v1.0.17 - 14th February 2014 - 1.8 - 14w07a

New Iron Trapdoor texture.

John Smith Legacy - JimStoneCraft Edition - Minecraft 1.8 - 14w07a John Smith Legacy - JimStoneCraft Edition - Minecraft - 1.8 - 14w07a

v1.0.12 - 22th December 2013 - 1.7.4

John Smith Legacy - JimStoneCraft Edition - Minecraft 1.7.4 John Smith Legacy - JimStoneCraft Edition - Minecraft 1.7.4 John Smith Legacy - JimStoneCraft Editio - Minecraft 1.7.4n

John Smith Legacy - JimStoneCraft Edition - Minecraft 1.7.4 John Smith Legacy - JimStoneCraft Edition

Screen Shots

John Smith Legacy

Some of these screen shots are a little out of date, I'll try to add some more up to date ones in the future.

John Smith Legacy Resource Pack

1.12.0 World of Color Update

John Smith Legacy Resource Pack John Smith Legacy Resource Pack

John Smith Legacy 1.12.0 v2, now with VoxelMap 1.12 support

1.10.2 Frostburn Update

John Smith Legacy Resource Pack

John Smith Legacy Resource Pack With Sildurs Shaders

1.8.1 - The Bountiful Update

John Smith Legacy Minecraft 1.8.1

1.8 Pre 1 - The Bountiful Update - JSL

JimStoneCraft's Minecraft 1.8 Pre 1 - 01 JimStoneCraft's Minecraft 1.8 Pre 1 - 02 JimStoneCraft's Minecraft 1.8 Pre 1 - 03

1.7.5 - JonnnLeee's flowers - JSC

The wonderful flowers, with and without mcpatcher images.

JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 1.8 - 14w02c JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 1.8 - 14w02c

JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 1.8 - 14w02c JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 1.8 - 14w02c

Various other flower images.

JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 1.8 - 14w02c JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 1.8 - 14w02c

JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 1.8 - 14w02c JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 1.8 - 14w02c JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 1.8 - 14w02c

JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 1.8 - 14w02c JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 1.8 - 14w02c JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 1.8 - 14w02c

Snapshot 14w02c - 1.8 - JSC

JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 1.8 - 14w02c

JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 1.8 - 14w02c JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 1.8 - 14w02c JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 1.8 - 14w02c

1.7 Pre Release

Not really a snapshot but just some new mushrooms.

JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 1.7 Mushrooms JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 1.7 Mushrooms JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 1.7 Mushrooms

Snapshot 13w43a

New trees, Acacia and Oak Roof (Big Oak), planted in the same 2x2 as Jungle trees.

All the logs and planks in a row, the new two logs don't have planks yet and just use the Oak planks.

Note: the swiss role birch, different spruce log top and the more muted Jungle logs are only in my personal pack, if you would like them to be added to the Legacy pack then voice your opinion and mention it in a reply in the forums.

JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 13w43a JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 13w43a JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 13w43a

Snapshot 13w42b

Coloured Glass and Japanese Fusuma/shōji style sliding panels.

JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 13w42b JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 13w42b JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 13w42b

JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 13w42b JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 13w42b

You can just see through it, I like to think of these as being made of silk, so they are more see through.

JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 13w42b JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Snapshot 13w42b

Snapshot 13w39b and 13w41a

Lots of flowers, some Podzol and Coloured Glass, this is still missing the new fish though.

John Smith Legacy Snapshot JimStoneCraft's Minecraft Coloured Glass


[T O P]